Online Yoga Classes in Support of St. Giles Trust @ 6.30pm

Online Yoga Classes in Support of St. Giles Trust @ 6.30pm


In Support of St. Giles Trust, these classes are donation based and will be held through Zoom. Please donate what you can comfortably afford, or select the £0.00 option and continue to checkout to secure your slot and ensure you receive the link to join. There are no additional fees or charges when you checkout.

You will receive a link 1 hour before the class starts.

The cost of the hosting the Zoom Service will be deducted from donations received and the remaining balance transferred to St Giles Trust.

This service relies on those that can afford to pay the true cost of the service, supporting others that cannot.

In the event that insufficient donations are received to run the service, the class you have booked will be cancelled and you will be notified as soon as possible.

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All classes begin at 18:30pm.

There will be no class held on Wednesday 21st June 2023